OpenCV: Keypoint Descriptors

Robert Taylor April 23, 2019

This is a very quick post showing how to instantiate and compute descriptors in OpenCV. I include 4 binary descriptors (FREAK, BRIEF, BRISK, and ORB) and two non-binary descriptors (SIFT and SURF).


  • Python 3.6
  • OpenCV 4.1
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2

I took two pictures of my cat Charlie at slightly different angles. Then I selected by hand a pair of matching keypoints. Of course, I could have employed a detector for this task (FAST, AGAST, ORB, etc.), but I wanted to keep this post short and focused solely on descriptors. The two JPG images:

# first cat image
C1 = cv2.imread('cat1.jpg')
C1_gr = cv2.cvtColor(C1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# second cat image
C2 = cv2.imread('cat2.jpg')
C2_gr = cv2.cvtColor(C2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# hand-pick a keypoint
kp1 = (719, 769)
kp2 = (903, 728)
# show images
marker_style = {
'markersize': 15,
'markeredgewidth': 3,
'markeredgecolor': 'w',
'markerfacecolor': 'None',
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 7))
ax[0].imshow(C1_gr, cmap='hot', interpolation='none')
ax[0].plot(*kp1, 'o', **marker_style)
ax[0].set_title('cat 1')
ax[1].imshow(C2_gr, cmap='hot', interpolation='none')
ax[1].plot(*kp2, 'o', **marker_style)
ax[1].set_title('cat 2')

Then, for comparison, I generated a small assortment of random points for each image and paired them.

def rand_coords(n, img_shape):
# usage: rand_coords(20, C1_gr.shape)
return (np.random.rand(n, 2) @ np.diag(img_shape)).astype(int)
# 8 random points in "cat1.jpg"
rnd_pts_1 = np.array(
[[ 266, 1147],
[ 896, 884],
[ 385, 566],
[ 468, 141],
[ 889, 1084],
[ 549, 1029],
[ 987, 145],
[ 419, 931]])
# 8 random points in "cat2.jpg"
rnd_pts_2 = np.array(
[[ 811, 980],
[1176, 716],
[ 259, 340],
[ 745, 952],
[ 265, 730],
[ 852, 774],
[1019, 1127],
[ 660, 1110]])
# show images
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 7))
ax[0].imshow(C1_gr, cmap='gray', interpolation='none')
ax[0].set_title('cat 1')
ax[1].imshow(C2_gr, cmap='gray', interpolation='none')
ax[1].set_title('cat 2')
for i in range(rnd_pts_1.shape[0]):
label = 'rand-' + str(i+1)
_marker_style = dict(marker_style)
_marker_style['markeredgecolor'] = 'C' + str(i if i < 7 else i+1)
ax[0].plot(*rnd_pts_1[i], 'o', label=label, **_marker_style)
ax[1].plot(*rnd_pts_2[i], 'o', label=label, **_marker_style)
loc='upper left',
bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1),

Everything is all prepared to compute descriptors and measure their distance from one another.

FREAK: Fast Retina Keypoint


def get_bin_desc(extractor, img, kp, size=30):
# extract a binary descriptor from the image
d = extractor.compute(img, [cv2.KeyPoint(*kp, size)])[1][0]
return np.unpackbits(d)
def get_hamming_dist(d1, d2):
# return the Hamming distance
return np.sum(np.logical_xor(d1, d2))
def run_bin_test(extractor):
# print Hamming distances between keypoints using the binary extractor
d1 = get_bin_desc(extractor, C1_gr, kp1)
d2 = get_bin_desc(extractor, C2_gr, kp2)
dist = get_hamming_dist(d1, d2)
print('Hamming distance of pairs (out of {})\n'.format(len(d1)))
print('Hand-picked: {:3d}'.format(dist))
for i in range(rnd_pts_1.shape[0]):
d1 = get_bin_desc(extractor, C1_gr, rnd_pts_1[i])
d2 = get_bin_desc(extractor, C2_gr, rnd_pts_2[i])
dist = get_hamming_dist(d1, d2)
print('Random {}: {:3d}'.format(i+1, dist))
extractor = cv2.xfeatures2d_FREAK.create()


Hamming distance of pairs (out of 512)
Hand-picked: 67
Random 1: 220
Random 2: 170
Random 3: 207
Random 4: 367
Random 5: 165
Random 6: 292
Random 7: 272
Random 8: 257

BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features


extractor = cv2.xfeatures2d_BriefDescriptorExtractor.create()


Hamming distance of pairs (out of 256)
Hand-picked: 37
Random 1: 139
Random 2: 161
Random 3: 55
Random 4: 95
Random 5: 134
Random 6: 158
Random 7: 86
Random 8: 123

BRISK: Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints


extractor = cv2.BRISK.create()


Hamming distance of pairs (out of 512)
Hand-picked: 101
Random 1: 296
Random 2: 180
Random 3: 171
Random 4: 289
Random 5: 210
Random 6: 311
Random 7: 192
Random 8: 241

ORB: Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF


extractor = cv2.ORB.create()


Hamming distance of pairs (out of 256)
Hand-picked: 35
Random 1: 167
Random 2: 170
Random 3: 92
Random 4: 130
Random 5: 102
Random 6: 183
Random 7: 91
Random 8: 136

SIFT: Scale Invariant Feature Transform


def get_non_bin_desc(extractor, img, kp, size=30):
# extract a non-binary descriptor from the image
return extractor.compute(img, [cv2.KeyPoint(*kp, size)])[1][0]
def get_l2_dist(d1, d2):
# return the L2 distance
return np.linalg.norm(d2-d1)
def run_l2_test(extractor):
# print L2 distances between keypoints using the non-binary extractor
d1 = get_non_bin_desc(extractor, C1_gr, kp1)
d2 = get_non_bin_desc(extractor, C2_gr, kp2)
dist = get_l2_dist(d1, d2)
print('L2 distance of pairs\n')
print('Hand-picked: {:.3f}'.format(dist))
for i in range(rnd_pts_1.shape[0]):
d1 = get_non_bin_desc(extractor, C1_gr, rnd_pts_1[i])
d2 = get_non_bin_desc(extractor, C2_gr, rnd_pts_2[i])
dist = get_l2_dist(d1, d2)
print('Random {}: {:.3f}'.format(i+1, dist))
extractor = cv2.xfeatures2d_SIFT.create()


L2 distance of pairs
Hand-picked: 231.288
Random 1: 413.424
Random 2: 557.979
Random 3: 425.087
Random 4: 427.973
Random 5: 520.956
Random 6: 367.421
Random 7: 523.169
Random 8: 548.730

SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features


extractor = cv2.xfeatures2d_SURF.create()


L2 distance of pairs
Hand-picked: 0.483
Random 1: 0.741
Random 2: 0.784
Random 3: 0.940
Random 4: 1.009
Random 5: 1.009
Random 6: 1.074
Random 7: 0.778
Random 8: 0.753


  1. Alahi, Alexandre, Raphael Ortiz, and Pierre Vandergheynst. “Freak: Fast retina keypoint.” 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Ieee, 2012.
  2. Calonder, Michael, et al. “Brief: Binary robust independent elementary features.” European conference on computer vision. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.
  3. Leutenegger, Stefan, Margarita Chli, and Roland Siegwart. “BRISK: Binary robust invariant scalable keypoints.” 2011 IEEE international conference on computer vision (ICCV). Ieee, 2011.
  4. Rublee, Ethan, et al. “ORB: An efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF.” ICCV. Vol. 11. No. 1. 2011.
  5. D. Lowe. “Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints.” Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Computer Vision. 2004.
  6. Bay, Herbert, Tinne Tuytelaars, and Luc Van Gool. “Surf: Speeded up robust features.” European conference on computer vision. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006.


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